As a business owner, I took away a million and one things to do differently for next time, but in addition, I took away mounds of purpose and passion for why I love my career so very much. It wasn’t the laser tag or climbing wall, group workouts or team activities that sparked my enjoyment- rather, it was the moments between and before planned activities where I was able to converse and listen to these women’s stories, fears and dreams. The conversation, the revelations, the AH HA moments: that’s what I am passionate about. I felt like I was in a good space that weekend, doing what I love, doing what I am good at, in the flow with my energy- and I wasn’t talking about macros and carbs, workout schedules and cardio- I was doing more than that for people. Warm fuzzies.

In addition to spending the weekend in the wilderness with 30 great women, last week also included my New Client Consultations at the Perfectfit4u office for our next “Transformation Challenge”- a 12 week challenge offered through my company that focuses on the physical (and more recently, the mental) changes that can take place when you crash course your health, fitness and personal development over a 3 month time frame. These women spoke to me about the struggles they’re facing and what brought them to my office that day with a new willingness to change. We spoke about WHY they are ready for a transformative experience at this point in their life. I listened to their future goals and aspirations and spent time visualizing what life will look like for them a few months down the road. These are the times in my job when I feel in my element, in my flow.
I can’t explain my pure passion any better than this: but when I am listening to someone’s struggles or current life battles, and they share their story, their passion, or their dreams with me, I have this overwhelming amount of liveliness that overcomes me, like a steady ocean wave that soon turns tsunami-type energy- I I just know I can help. I need to help. I CAN help.
If this is the first time you’ve stumbled across this blog, hello, welcome, don’t leave. If you are back cause you invested hours reading the first 7 entries, we can certainly be considered best friends and you now know more about me than most.
Confession- I haven’t been as consistent with posting content on this blog as I may have hoped- because, well, 1) I am no longer travelling Europe without a care in the world and 2) My lack of flow and inspiration the last few weeks had been sorta’…blah. Words tend to spew out of me when I am in-the-flow with my own energy (sounds a little woo-woo huh?) but it’s real sister, there are days where a post-orgasmic type of euphoria fills me and I get tingles in my toes and fingers as I burst at the seams with expression and ideas, walking around, more like floating, flowing rather through the day- Now, THAT’S the good stuff. Can you feel it?
Other days though, like the ones I was experiencing the last few weeks, I am forcefully picking up my feet like an astronaut who just touched gravity on Earth again- no sense of orientation, super un-directioned, and the weight the world on my shoulders. What a drag.
So, after spending mounds of time soul-searching amidst the fog of my hot bath-tub, I have started to feel my vibe again. So here I am, with blog number 8, ready to vomit my passion all over you ‘cause words are my friend again.
So, this is the thing, I am a goal seeker. A planner. A step-by-step, go make a list, get it done, check-it-off girl and now that I am back home, happily married with no wedding to plan, no honeymoon to jet-off on, no big speech to write, no competition or challenge to train for, I found myself going a little stir-crazy.
Click here to continue reading coach Ashlyn’s blog post.