Although Transformation Stories are often the result of YEARS of work and seasons of growth and maturity- this transformation is still VERY fresh, it’s new, and it is still in the making to this very moment.
The photos you see above are still very relevant and are only one indicator of where this Transformation has originated from, less than 1 year ago. It is important to note though; these photos will never tell you whole story or showcase the complete transformation.
Growing up Heather had always been the jock, the high-school athlete, the girl that stayed in her own lane. She is a horse lover, a farm-chick, a rodeo queen… a tom-boy to say the least. This was her identity.
Admittedly, Heather’s confidence in her female nature and body image had always been a struggle, although it wasn’t until high-school sports and athletics came to a close, that Heather found herself encapsulated by her rising weight gain.
While attending college directly following high-school, her small frame accumulated upwards of 30 lbs of fat mass, simply due to sedentary behaviours and nutrition inexperience- skyrocketing Heather’s weight to nearly 180 lbs on her 5’2’’ female body.
Once athletics concluded and fast food became convenient, Heather began hiding behind this mask of insecurity and rapid weight gain. Her confidence dwindled, her femininity continued to decline, she stopped pursuing any athletic endeavours and she started wishfully watching other women chase their fitness goals and competition dreams.
Watching only from afar, it was during this time that Heather set a personal goal of stepping on stage one day. Although she was not prepared to verbalize the goal or take action yet: deep-down the thought of prancing on stage in an itty-bitty-bikini while embodying pride, femininity, and body confidence was something her heart told her was necessary.
When asked about the pivotal moment she decided to pursue this goal, Heather remembers a specific conversation that was had with her Father.
“An old fashion cowboy” she states, “a man of minimal words” … “and he probably doesn’t even remember that had this conversation, but it stuck”
Her Father expressed his concern for her happiness, for her future, for her health- “You need to figure something out” he mentioned, “cause how you’re living right now is not working”
The accumulation of many self-loathing behaviours, a sedentary lifestyle, dwindling confidence, and parental concern all merged to a point where Heather was ready to fight for her health.
With a community of support behind her, Heather outsourced the #Perfectfit4u Coaching staff in Fall of 2018 to provide her with the knowledge, resources and direction to change her life. She took every bit of advice and put it into action without excuses.

Heather’s “Bod Pod” progress report from Fall 2018-Spring 2019.
A total of 35 lbs. of FAT MASS was lost during the course of this transformation, with an influx of 5 lbs. of “Fat Free Mass” (muscle, bones, water, blood, etc). A total of 15% body fat was lost.In the Fall of 2018, Heather began her journey at a risky high-level body fat percentage of 46%. At this time, she was inactive, she was unhappy, she was un-knowing to the journey she had ahead of her- but she was ALWAYS willing to do the work. One meal at a time. One workout at a time. One day at a time.

Over the course of the last 6 months- Heather has not only shifted her perspective on fitness, she’s overhauled her lifestyle and identity completely. She is an athlete again, she walks with confidence, she invests in herself and her health and most importantly, she’s re-gained the lifestyle, freedom and self-assurance that her weight once took away from her.

Heather has won her life back, and through the process, has inspired others to do the same.
Since beginning her Transformation journey, Heather has dropped her body fat percentage over 15%, her health risks have all declined and she has decreased her weight by 30 lbs.
Along this journey, Heather has made new, life-long friends, kept her social relationships strong, and has even re-joined team sports and athletics pursuits again. She has encouraged her family to get healthy, her co-workers to join her on this journey, and has continued to make her personal relationships a priority.
OH, and this past weekend, Heather entered the IDFA “Transformation Challenge” and Novice classes where she showcased her journey, confidence and pride on stage in an itty-bitty bikini (and looked FAB doing it!). She met her goal, and she did so with dignity, smiles and damn hard work.
Now, I ask you to please help celebrate months of hard work, sweat, tears, smiles, discipline, belief and total transformation from the inside-out by sending Heather some much deserves CONGRATS and LOVE on this spectacular journey!
Congratulations Heather, you did it!